Marina C.
Marina joined Bright Side in 2020. She enjoys writing about healthcare and curious studies. Marina is a big fan of audiobooks and podcasts, spending her spare time walking in nature while listening to something interesting.

Justin Bieber Explains Why Hailey Didn’t Want to Have Kids Earlier

Justin Bieber Explains Why Hailey Didn’t Want to Have Kids Earlier
3 weeks ago

Justin Bieber has just taken to Instagram to share some exciting news: he and his wife Hailey are expecting their first child together. Hailey, 27, has previously discussed her fears about becoming a parent. Despite her strong desire to be a mother, she’s also worried about potential criticism that their future child might face.

12 Parents Shared the Craziest Babysitter Moments Caught on Camera

12 Parents Shared the Craziest Babysitter Moments Caught on Camera
Family & kids
4 weeks ago

You can never know for sure what really happens when parents leave the house and the babysitter is left in charge. It’s a mystery filled with curiosity and a bit of worry. But with today’s surveillance technology, some parents have found out what really happens. Get ready for a journey of surprising discoveries as babysitters show their true colors.

Selena Gomez Shares How She Stays in Shape

Selena Gomez Shares How She Stays in Shape
month ago

Selena Gomez’s changing body has been grabbing headlines, drawing both praise and criticism. Some have speculated about weight gain or even pregnancy. However, Selena isn’t letting critics get to her. Instead, she’s bravely sharing her tips for staying fit, giving us a glimpse into her journey of self-care and empowerment.

Couples Who Post Selfies Are 128% Less Happy, a Study Reveals

Couples Who Post Selfies Are 128% Less Happy, a Study Reveals
month ago

It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed when you scroll through your social media feed, only to be bombarded by picture-perfect couples. Well, it turns out, behind those smiles might lie a different story. A recent study has revealed that those who flood your timeline with three or more couple selfies per week might not be as happy as they appear. In fact, they could be a whopping 128 percent unhappier than couples who keep their affection more low-key.

I’m Pregnant, and My MIL Posted a Scan of My Baby Without Asking

I’m Pregnant, and My MIL Posted a Scan of My Baby Without Asking
Family & kids
month ago

In today’s world, social media has become the go-to platform for sharing life’s big moments, often blurring the lines of privacy. One soon-to-be mom is eagerly awaiting her little one’s arrival, but amid her excitement, she faces a dilemma: her mother-in-law’s habit of oversharing. The woman feels that her mother-in-law is stealing special moments from her and has decided to seek advice online.

Hailey and Justin Bieber Might Divorce Soon, Body Language Experts Claim

Hailey and Justin Bieber Might Divorce Soon, Body Language Experts Claim
month ago

Hailey and Justin Bieber have been at the center of attention recently due to divorce rumors. Although the couple often appears together in public, body language experts have detected a subtle yet significant detail that suggests trouble may be brewing beneath the surface of their seemingly picture-perfect relationship. Join us as we delve into the intriguing dynamics of this high-profile couple and explore the subtle signals that may hint at the fate of their marriage.